Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fans of Hong Kong pop singer Yumiko Cheng (郑希怡) saw more than they paid for when she repeated history last Saturday with her own version of Janet Jackson's infamous "wardrobe malfunction" at a Toronto concert.

During the performance, Yumiko Cheng’s energetic dance movements caused her tube top to drop, exposing her entire breast. But the pop star was concentrating on her performance so much that she didn’t notice the accident until a worker sent her flowers to hide her.

It is not the first time that Yumiko Cheng has such an accident. Last year, she exposes her T-back when she is performing for TVB Tung Wah Charity Show.

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yumiko Yumiko T-Back exposed incident previously.

Translated from 21cn:

继去年为慈善表演空中飞人掉裤收场后,想不到事隔半年,郑希怡(Yumiko)日前在多伦多为全城直播的歌唱大赛担任嘉宾时,因Tube Top滑落而当众露两点,事件即惹起网民讨论,无不寄予同情。

才走出掉裤阴霾的Yumiko,多伦多时间23日晚出席当地电台及电视台合办,在Wonderland Kingswood Music Theatre举行的《新秀歌唱大赛多伦多选拔赛2007》任表演嘉宾。身穿连衣裙的Yumiko,先在舞蹈员伴舞下大跳大唱《舞吧!舞吧!》,其后 Tube Top竟滑落,机灵的她即用手掩胸,但没有贴乳贴的她,当场露点人前,左胸一点还清晰地搁在Tube Top之上,全场无不哗然!


香港记者向英皇艺人管理部总监霍汶希求证,她承认Yumiko出席了该活动,事后双方通电话时提及此事:“她略略提过,因为她觉得是小事,不知道自己走光了!”原来Yumiko事前已在Tube Top黐满胶纸,不过因被耳筒机所连接的电线勾着才滑下来!据知Yumiko正乘坐飞机返港,暂时未能联络得上。
