Sunday, June 17, 2007

Surprisingly, I found this interesting statistic about why women do it. A study investigating the reason women get permanent Brazilians was performed by Dr Phillipa McCaffery and Dr Gabrielle Caswell and published by the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australia. The study consisted of a questionnaire asking women why they chose to have permanent Brazilian hair removal.

Why do women get permanent Brazilian hair removal?

The results of the study:
  • 63% reported feeling sexier with a Brazilian.
  • 75% reported aesthetic or that it looked better.
  • 71% reported hygiene as the major reason for removing pubic hair.
  • 17% cited cultural reasons.
Other reported benefits of Brazilian hair removal:
  • 60% women reported increased sexual pleasure with a Brazilian.
  • 61% reported they would recommend it to other women.
Click Here to read more about how to get rid of unwanted hair or Permanent hair removal with IPL- Intense Pulsed light treatment or Contact us, to find out more information about Brazilian Hair removal..